Wednesday, 1 April 2009

I give up

I give up!
I give up on being lonely
Cause I know I'm just alone
I give up on finding something
That I know 's already gone
I give up this major struggle
to keep on standing stronger
I give up all the delights
that could have come
I swear: no longer.

I give up any more longing
I've been tired of postponing
I don't give up lightning flashes
I give up shattered illusions
While confusion sounds like clashes
I give up my old conclusions.

I give up my every need
I give up my very power
I give up finding the seed
I already am a flower

I give up finding someone
Because I am already found
I give up on finding God
He's already inside myself.

I deliver in His hands
that in a way are mine.

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